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 EMDR Group Psychotherapy

After more than 25 years of working with survivors of trauma, Emma has experienced EMDR Therapy as the most effective, transformative approach for treating recent and historical trauma. Having integrated EMDR into her over all approach as a therapist Emma provides EMDR therapy for individuals as part of an overall treatment plan.


EMDR is a psychotherapy approach designed for working with distressing or traumatic memories.  EMDR enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. The theory behind EMDR is that many psychological difficulties are the result of distressing life experiences which have not been stored in memory properly and are said to be unprocessed or blocked. These traumatic memories may need some help to become processed, and EMDR is one way to do this.

For more detailed information about EMDR please see:





EMDR Therapy in a Group 


Emma's experience and love of groupwork and witnessing the benefits of EMDR motivated her to extend working with individuals to working in groups. The high demand for EMDR Therapy and long waiting list for individual trauma therapy, lead to Emma and her colleagues developing EMDR Group Therapy for survivors of sexual violence (SVS Protocol) based on the G-Tep Model (E. Shapiro, 2019).



Being the first therapists in Aotearoa New Zealand to provide EMDR Group Therapy for survivors of sexual violence, she and her colleagues were excited to establish the first ACC contract to have EMDR Group Treatment fully funded for survivors of sexual violence.



This opportunity then led to Emma and her colleagues contributing a Chapter to the  EMDR Group Therapy Book:  Regina Morrow Robinson, E., & Kaptan, S. K. (Eds.). (2023). EMDR Group Therapy: Emerging Principles and Protocols to Treat Trauma and Beyond. Springer Publishing Company.



After presenting about their work with Survivors of Sexual Violence at the EMDRNZ national conference 2022, Emma and her colleague then established EMDR Group Therapy Aotearoa Ltd and continue to adapt EMDR for a wide range of groups.


Emma and her colleague now provide training and supervision nationally and internationally for EMDR therapists who work with Survivors or Sexual Violence and wish to extend their G-Tep Training to include specialising in utilising the SVS Protocol.


Please contact Emma if you're interested in engaging in this groupwork. 





Mental Health

Emma is trained and experienced in providing therapy for people experiencing mild to moderate mental health conditions. Emma does not provide crisis services, so should a person become significantly mentally unwell, she provides support through the referral process to an appropriate secondary service provider.



Therapy: $150 per hour incl. GST

Supervision: $150 per hour incl. GST

ACC Clients Fully Subsidised


Group EMDR:

Self-funded clients please inquire.

ACC Clients fully subsidised.

EMDR Group Therapy Aotearoa



If you need to cancel your appointment, please provide 24 hours' notice so this time can be utilized, otherwise the full fee will be invoiced.



The service you receive is confidential. Your information is private and will not be discussed with others unless you request so, it is required by law, or there is a serious safety issue for yourself or others. Emma is ethically required to attend clinical supervision and may discuss your sessions anonymously to ensure best practice. Your contact details are not shared with anyone. 

Emma is a Full member and abides by the code of ethics of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC) Te Roopu Kaiwhiriwhiri o Aotearoa.





















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